PATENT BOX - How to get relevant tax reliefs for Intellectual Property income

Acting on the recommendations of the OECD, in 2015 Italy will introduce a PATENT BOX regime, offering qualifying companies the opportunity to reduce 50% of their corporation tax bill as a benefit for the exploitation of Intellectual Properties (patents and trademarks, designs, processes, formulas and information legally protectable), whether they are exploited directly from the company or granted to third parties, in view of royalties or licensing.

Nourished participation at the meeting that took place in March 23 2015 at the Congress Centre of the Unione Industriale di Torino, and involved Managers, CEOs and CFOs of many companies.

The aim of the meeting was to illustrate the intellectual properties interested and to describe how they can be legally protected, what would be the income and the procedures required to obtain the benefits.